Djörk's listening history
I couldn't talk for a while afterwards and I felt like a moron after listening to my vocals, but it had to be done :) So no laffin'!
Our attempt to be on the roof of Abbey Road Studios if only for a moment!
The Lineup:
Guitars: gtalfsen
Percussion by Norm
Lyrics by Rat-Hybrids
It's been tough to keep up lately, hope everyone is well.
Something I was working on as part of a larger project. When it's done I'll link it.
I couldn't talk for a while afterwards and I felt like a moron after listening to my vocals, but it had to be done :) So no laffin'!
Our attempt to be on the roof of Abbey Road Studios if only for a moment!
The Lineup:
Guitars: gtalfsen
Another one rebuilt after my freak SD card initialization fiasco. The excellent solo work was done by my buddy Gnasty - I love it!
This is the second part of a two part song. I'll get the other part up next hopefully.
Badass Solos: Gnasty…
an old willard robison tune, with Richard Lindsay on Guitar and me on piano
Demo #3.
We've all been there - so we all know this conversation VERY well.
The circus is leaving, for good. Adults are happy (oh, at last they were gone!). Children are unhappy (there was a lion and clown, acrobats and candy and ... all that!). Ahh...
~You'll not believe, but: nothing lasts forever. Lollipop even~
Dedicated with love and concrete concern to our dear 'north east' Japanese friends (deceased and bereaved)...and to the very best on their road back to ?? a new normalcy. +
Musical piece about the fairy adventures of toys on and around the Christmas tree, and all that.
For us, the boring adults realists, such a story is ridiculous, but not for them - for children who listen to tales with bated breath. For them…