Djörk's listening history

Cave Street's avatar
She Will / Like the Rain - She came in like the rain More than half a day past due And I swear she looked the same In the way dreams and memories never do She passed me with a glancing smile As I tried to look away But her gaze could…
igor's avatar
Ici le temps est absent. --- for Trevor
Nosda Cariad's avatar
Asturias (Leyenda) is a musical work written by the Spanish composer Isaac Albéniz. The name Asturias (Leyenda) was given to it posthumously by the German publisher Hofmeister, who included it in the 1911 "complete version" of the Suite espa…
Djörk's avatar
Just messing around with a chord progression I liked. Some neighborhood wildlife joined in. Goofy, mellow stuff, even for me.
vaisvil's avatar
coelocanth's avatar
Thumbjam app
Reefwalker's avatar
This is an invitation, with instructions, on how any AT musician can hop a train in the US and get to my house for a jam session. Figured the lyrics needed to mention all 3 of the collaborating musicians home towns cuz they all run along these…
Nosda Cariad's avatar
A short improvisation inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream "If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear." - William Shakespeare To Eliza...
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
little mash of Kavin A & Paul M for Sound-In 4/12/13
Newbold's avatar
something of the longerish version of the other aeon song kinds.. :) yes video is going to be posted post productions.