DJ UrSine's listening history
I picked this up after dropping it for a couple months. Almost scrap binned it. The original idea was to try doing anything with nice tidy EQing for once and heheheh.
Is the title making you smile? :D Is it? :D :D Just so we're all on the same…
Go ahead, give it a listen. It'll speak for itself, just you wait. 8)
This was a performance at a place called the Ranchbowl in Omaha, Ne nd yes it was a bowling alley as well. We had some friends in the crowd in this one, you might be able to hear them. :) I believe this was the first and only time we performed…
This is a song that Rhonda Vincent sings and I recorded it for my Grandmother's funeral. My try at some Bluegrass style.
and you, again
a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud