dudymas's listening history

glu's avatar
a darker movement from 2005. electric guitar+violin bow.
glu's avatar
A downbeat ditty written and recorded in sixty continuos minutes. I actually have plans for this one, so stay tuned for revisions in the near future.
dudymas's avatar
Tune inspired by a character in a webcomic. Starts out slowly, doesn't have any incredible builds. But towards the end, I made a very odd 5/4 motif with automat synth that I'm half-proud of. But not really. Thanks for everyone's kind comments…
dudymas's avatar
Tune inspired by a character in a webcomic. Starts out slowly, doesn't have any incredible builds. But towards the end, I made a very odd 5/4 motif with automat synth that I'm half-proud of. But not really. Thanks for everyone's kind comments…
dudymas's avatar
Work in progress! Inspired by all the awesome people I know in my cryptology class. I was writing an email and just... had to compose something. There's going to be gitz in this somewhere... but for now, only basic synths and an unfiltered…
dudymas's avatar
Just a track... I wanted to make. Messing with vocals. I hate my voice a lot, but maybe I'll grow to tolerate it. Slightly.
glu's avatar
glu's avatar
glu's avatar
glu's avatar
demo from April 2008. must have been singing to my future self, which i do all the time.