Elusive Gene's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
I play live at my Dad's assisted living facility on a Yamaha Clarinova.
vaisvil's avatar
The full monty http://alonetone.com/charlieferret/tracks/after-the-worms-ate-into-my-brain
mmi's avatar
A little something I've been toying with based on one of the chords from Free's "It's Alright Now". Apologies for my rusty recording mojo...
mmi's avatar
Sometime yesterday, sandbags posted "In the Ocean of Night". Fuelled by a lovely walk and some pints, I was inspired to make some additions. Technical/process details: Guitar was my Michael Kelly going into GT-10 which had compressor, delay…
mmi's avatar
After a long summer of doing stuff other than recording it was time to get back on the horse. Sonically, this isn't much of a departure but I am trying a couple of new things technically. One it that I spent more time on the drums (an achilles…
mmi's avatar
Had some minor drama. Afterwards, I made this.
mmi's avatar
Had some minor drama. Afterwards, I made this.
kirklynch's avatar
An experiment I recorded yesterday with a rig I put together for more or less ambient sounds using two loopers and nearly every effects unit I own. I have no idea who Clark was but he owned the '58 Harmony Stratotone that I used on this cut. His…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Strung Out
Johnny Stone's avatar
Strung Out