emperor75's listening history

emperor75's avatar
This song a very rough draft of a song about a with depression. I wrote the lyrics a while ago, about ten years ago. Just now getting to the music. Music & Lyrics by Ed Price Copyright 2021 Life of Grey Unprepared in life a fragile…
emperor75's avatar
Another piece of the Rossi's Tide pieces that I am working on with Chris. This Piano piece was presented to me, and I got overly inspired so I wrote to it immediately (out of order) LOL Hands down one of the most fun and emotional leads I have…
emperor75's avatar
A new Idea for Malignant Inception Song... again, nothing in stone rough draft - Added Bass and Keyboards! Added some panning and volume tweaks on 5/18 Added new BASS EQ and enhancement on 6-7 Added D Standard recording tracks to most parts…
emperor75's avatar
Just a thing that I am Collaborating on with the vocalist of one of my projects (TKP) - His guitarist recently passed of suicide, and he wants me to help with his 5 stages of grief and the send-off of his best friend. This project is called Rossi…
emperor75's avatar
Just a thing that I am Collaborating on with the vocalist of one of my projects (TKP) - His guitarist recently passed of suicide, and he wants me to help with his 5 stages of grief and the send-off of his best friend. This project is called Rossi…
emperor75's avatar
Another piece of the Rossi's Tide pieces that I am working on with Chris. This Piano piece was presented to me, and I got overly inspired so I wrote to it immediately (out of order) LOL Hands down one of the most fun and emotional leads I have…
emperor75's avatar
A new Idea for Malignant Inception Song... again, nothing in stone rough draft - Added Bass and Keyboards! Added some panning and volume tweaks on 5/18 Added new BASS EQ and enhancement on 6-7 Added D Standard recording tracks to most parts…
emperor75's avatar
Just a thing that I am Collaborating on with the vocalist of one of my projects (TKP) - His guitarist recently passed of suicide, and he wants me to help with his 5 stages of grief and the send-off of his best friend. This project is called Rossi…
emperor75's avatar
Finally, after several years of having lyrics for a song about and for my daughter, I am starting to write it... this is the first draft. singing over most of this at some point. Music & Lyrics by Ed Price Copyright 2021 Compass Since…
emperor75's avatar
This song a very rough draft of a song about a with depression. I wrote the lyrics a while ago, about ten years ago. Just now getting to the music. Music & Lyrics by Ed Price Copyright 2021 Life of Grey Unprepared in life a fragile…