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a song written in 2001 during the Foot-and-mouth disease scare in Europe
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empty bob
@gene eric mann Hi, yes my réal name is matthew and after 37 years without being able to pronounce it here in France, I decided to get myself an alias name for promotion and things. Thanks for the comments, it's all quite old stuff I'm trying to sort out, before I lose it all. Glad someone is enjoying it. I don't know much about Rick Wright's work other than the great classic Floyd albums, I'll give it a listen one of these days, thanks
Gene Eric Mann
Are you Matthew or are you Bob? Is your talent in this recording or are you posting another's work? It reminds me of material by Rick Wright, keyboardist for Pink Floyd -- colorful and delicious.
audio visual artist from South West France, also known as Matthew Tyas (mtyas)
from Pau, France
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