epimeison's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Behind the wall of sound there is a story no-one has ever heard. If you listen carefully maybe you can hear it. Good luck...............
thetworegs's avatar
I didn't like the 1st version so i changed it so here it is. imagine Sitting in the forest listening to the breeze being free and wanting to follow it..........................
Rick Phillips's avatar
Love playing with Norm!
epimeison's avatar
This is another of my miniatures, kind of 'baroque' style. It's from 1998, and I consider it my best guitar composition. Not a good interpretation here, but it took me a lot to play it this way after all these years. I hope you like and/or enjoy…
thetworegs's avatar
A song by my 4 year old daughter. She sat patiently watching me mess about. She wanted to have a go, so here is her go............ She hopes you enjoy it.
thetworegs's avatar
A song by my 4 year old daughter. She sat patiently watching me mess about. She wanted to have a go, so here is her go............ She hopes you enjoy it.
thetworegs's avatar
A doors classic revisited by thetworegs
thetworegs's avatar
A doors classic revisited by thetworegs
epimeison's avatar
Well, some today's 'afternoon-to-evening' stuff... very simple, but i like it. I hope you like and/or enjoy!
Reefwalker's avatar
drip by drip.. I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience. The trumpet and violin bits are played…