epimeison's listening history
Endless picking up the needle and putting it down on Yes's Steve Howe in the 70's got me this far!
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
Pink Floyd cover from A Momentary Lapse of Reason album. Minus all the cool leads and saxophone and organ. Just grit. Just CM doing a cover in his own style. Just is.
rehearsal recording
martin - keyboard
georg - guitar
ulrich - drums
helmut - bass
not 'pink floyd' but genesis. as you hear, we are into the seventies - the only drugs involved: german beer ;-)
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.