190 tracks by fallingupart

fallingupart's avatar
A custom QBASIC program wrote this.
fallingupart's avatar
Madame Fortune seems to enjoy spinning that wheel of hers. It's tough to keep up sometimes. As Gilda always used to say, "it's always something." Executed entirely upon the Korg DW-6000 and Yamaha CS1x.
fallingupart's avatar
I had something to say about this track, but I can't remember what it was. Never mind. ;) Mostly executed upon the Roland JX-3P, if I recall rightly. Drums, choir pad, and piano courtesy of the Yamaha CS1x.
fallingupart's avatar
Everyone is so full of it these days. Know what I mean?
fallingupart's avatar
Perhaps inspired by a misremembered line of T.S. Eliot? I thought the line was, "I have measured out time in teaspoonfuls." The proper line is "I have measured out my life in coffee spoons." Oh well. I like my bungled line better.
fallingupart's avatar
Hey, kid. Find my Facebook page and click "Like," will ya? Actually, I don't have a Facebook page.
fallingupart's avatar
All Korg M1, I think.
fallingupart's avatar
drone (noun) plural: drones 1. a low continuous humming sound. a monotonous speech. a continuous musical note, typically of low pitch. a musical instrument sounding a continuous note. 2. a male bee in a colony of social bees. a person…
fallingupart's avatar
I wrote this while my mother was terminally ill. She had three stays at Sisters of Providence in Portland at the end of her life. Real-life events did not have the rosy outcome I was hoping for.
fallingupart's avatar
Executed entirely upon the Roland JX-3P if I recall correctly. The title refers to the three interwoven harmonic lines.
fallingupart's avatar
This is what happened when my cat started napping on the master keyboard controller while record was engaged. My cat played every note--seriously. I edited things a bit, but I'm only her arranger. ;)
fallingupart's avatar
This starfish, a couple urchins, and some tiny crabs step into this pool. The starfish says to the urchins . . . (Nyuk nyuk nyuk.)
fallingupart's avatar
After five hours of attempting to sing as if I were Marion Gold, I gave up and attempted to sing as if I were myself. That seemed to do the trick.
fallingupart's avatar
It is a valid question.
fallingupart's avatar
Does anyone else smell tangerines?
fallingupart's avatar
This is the first track I wrote for the project this year. "Hmmm," I thought, "that's a good beginning." Yes, it certainly was, and it's not a bad title either. *pats self on back*
fallingupart's avatar
No hints. Sorry. ;)
fallingupart's avatar
A piece in the style of Brian Eno's ambient recordings.
fallingupart's avatar
A piece in the style of Brian Eno's ambient recordings.
fallingupart's avatar
A piece in the style of Brian Eno's ambient recordings.