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fallingupart's avatar
A custom QBASIC program wrote this.
fallingupart's avatar
A custom QBASIC program wrote this.
fallingupart's avatar
A custom QBASIC program wrote this.
fallingupart's avatar
Several tracks of Korg Monotron.
fallingupart's avatar
A custom QBASIC program wrote this.

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spacehoers's avatar
spacehoers's avatar
Track 1 of a dungeon synth album I did in March but never got around to uploading here. :D
spacehoers's avatar
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ensyncrnauts's avatar
Composed entirely in ABC; I harmed no keyboards while making this album. Converted to MIDI and arranged in Reaper, mastered in mono on an iPhone 'cuz I seem to have forgotten how to in Reaper, damn it, and ran out of time.
fallingupart's avatar
Poor Mxyzptlk! Never pulled one over on Superman for long.
systemofahoedown's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
New version
FDR's avatar
Had a jam with myself at the weekend and into Monday and then Tuesday evening, and now my fingers are sore!

Latest Comments

fallingupart's avatar
I got tired of playing by the rules. (The album concept was using only portable instruments which I could carry in one trip.) This track uses every functional piece of gear I own at least once. In no particular order . . . TR-606, TB-303…
avantyarde's avatar
avantyarde said

I like this a lot, and I love the concept.

fallingupart's avatar
Late-stage demo of a Kraftwerk tribute upon which I'm currently working. Most of the tracks are solid at this point. See the second mix to hear what 12 hours of mixing and production did to it.
Guest said

So I am searching for Kraftwerk inspired tunes and hit play, not looking at the artist,... player launches,.. I KNOW THIS! What a pleasant surprise 😀. Your friend Binary R ❤️

fallingupart's avatar
Sometimes my mail Stacks up for days and days and Email? The same. (Technically not a haiku if you pronounce "mail" as one syllable. Oh well.)
fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

@G-Guest: A reply hefted into the past by six years: Just wait until you reach track 80.

fallingupart's avatar
Madame Fortune seems to enjoy spinning that wheel of hers. It's tough to keep up sometimes. As Gilda always used to say, "it's always something." Executed entirely upon the Korg DW-6000 and Yamaha CS1x.
Tony Rissole's avatar
Tony Rissole said

Ah Someone else who is fed up of the usual mainstream dross. Hope you find what you are looking for.

fallingupart's avatar
I believe microbes may have caused me to write this one.
AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I like here how certain elements of the track seem to weave in and out of sync with the main tempo of the song. It gives the track this precarious balance, like somebody standing still while riding on a unicycle.

fallingupart's avatar

I studied French horn and piano at an early age and over the years have picked up drums, guitar, vocals, and various woodwinds. In the past year, I’ve taught myself harmonica, an instrument whose proper method of tone production has puzzled me for 30 years. I have a large collection of vintage synthesizers and some of them actually work. I never owned a horn (I borrowed from school one which appeared to have been run over by a garbage truck and then pounded back into a crude horn-like shape). I have completely forgotten how to play the instrument. For that reason, you’ll find no real French horn on my albums; however, you may find some other things. I hope you enjoy.

from Sacramento, CA

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