The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co
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Songs from Nowhere wrote this, I remixed it for him and added a little guitar (twiddly bits). Kind of pink floydish but better of coarse!!
Goes on the Dance of the Dying Fire album, I shortened it because I used the reggae bit that was at the end in another song. It's a bit of fun!!
I've uploaded this before, I've re-arranged the songs between albums and this one goes on here.
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This track dates back to 2012, when I was in the process of recording my 2nd album, "The Only Way to Build is to Tear Down," in a super run down shack, while seriously broke. On the other hand, that was the last album I really did multitracking…
One I wrote about 5 or 6 years ago, very different to the old version. It came about because of the shameful treatment of the soldiers coming back injured from that S**t hole of a country by the British Gov. They were forced into doing much more…
This is a fairly simple guitar part I came up with a couple days ago and my friend talked me into recording it. It needs words- perhaps that will come later.
I wrote this song quite recently- a couple weeks ago, when I was in
Texas doing oil work. 2/3 of this song was written acapella, in the middle of a sixteen hour shift... at, of course, 4AM. Hope you all dig it!
This is a love song I wrote for a friend of mine. Both of the "guitar" tracks are actually a hand-built electric banjo that used an aluminum pie pan as a resonator. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the music!
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Songs from Nowhere wrote this, I remixed it for him and added a little guitar (twiddly bits). Kind of pink floydish but better of coarse!!
Mr Smith and the Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co. Thanks to thetworegs for the vocals.
Grey skies, crow flies into the horizon
Birdcage, road rage what do you spend your wages on
All alone smart phone no-one you can ring
Peacocks, cats and dogs, the butterfly stings
Your friend indeed, my friend in need, another friend in debt…
A world of corridors corporate finance
There's a party somewhere, I'm not invited so I don't care
It's the law of the jungle the mantra they chant
Alpha males and their sycophants
And you've got a date with a stranger who flirts with danger…
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Its nice to hang up the car keys and put one foot in front of the other because lets face it all routes lead to the pub ha ha!
This is like a mission for the Doom Patrol
I need a robot body for my brain
Miss Callas calls
the dopamine exhanges
the sound of down
And there is danger everywhere
the scissor men are coming
House of icons
Felt like cards
The brilliant…
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This is the final track for the Metamorphis album, it is a musical soundscape, inspired by the Yorkshire Dales and the Moors. I have tried to paint a picture of the changing seasons and it should be taken in 1 minute sequences, 1 minute = 1 month…
This is absolutely amazing! Keep up the excellent work!
Act 1 Scene 1 The Disco - this is music from my musical, the opening scene which is set in a disco (nightclub - if you are under 40!!). It explores the different perceptions of the club in a pseudo-political and economic view. Mr Evol - the…
I don't think Marie Antoinette actually said Let them eat cake but the attitude is one we all know.
the government is in an 'ivory tower' and divorced from the rest of society
I don't think Marie Antoinette actually said Let them eat cake but the attitude is one we all know.
Songs from Nowhere wrote this, I remixed it for him and added a little guitar (twiddly bits). Kind of pink floydish but better of coarse!!
One man band old and ugly
from Tilbury, Essex, United Kingdom
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