Black Henbane
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Lyrics by Babs Mummelthey
if i push the button will someone push it, too?
if i push the button will someone else push it, too?
if i push the button will something change forever?
if i push the button will anything change at all…
Someone said, this song sounds like a meeting of Leonard Cohen and Brian Eno in a Bucharest nightclub. Someone else said, it sounds like someone fell down the Nick Cave well. You decide!
Several listeners told me that this song reminds them a lot of Air. By that time I only knew that there was a band with this name, but I had never listened to any of their songs. But now they're one of my favorite bands and I listen to them in…
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This is a song by our guitarist Keith. He doesn't get a chance to jam with us as much since he moved to New York. He and I had a lot of fun working on this simple tune, and it makes me miss times long gone.
Finally a new song that I made a few days ago.
Experimenting with different sounds..Thank you for listening and hope you enjoy it.
cool, upload seems to work ok now. I did a jam along track.
My spin with a jam along. the plain jam track is below if anyone wishes to use it, have fun.
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Dark, moody and a little weird - German indie artist Black Henbanbe with his version of the mother of all English folk songs. Recommended if you like the song, drone low vocals, gothic folk ambience and psychedelic gimmicks.
My girlfriend was born in the Middle East, that's why I've come to listen a lot to Arab, Persian, Turkish, and Tuareg music. I improvised this song within a few early morning hours after coming home from a concert by the incredible Tuareg rock…
Someone said, this song sounds like a meeting of Leonard Cohen and Brian Eno in a Bucharest nightclub. Someone else said, it sounds like someone fell down the Nick Cave well. You decide!
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Mercury is leaking friends.. A little sample from our upcoming album, "Mercuriosity". Will be complete with vocals, stay tuned.. ;)
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Cool track!
Lyrics by Babs Mummelthey
if i push the button will someone push it, too?
if i push the button will someone else push it, too?
if i push the button will something change forever?
if i push the button will anything change at all…
Transferring our power to you from Canada. Your music is great, friend! I look forward to hearing new ideas and expression from you.. :3
Black Henbane is a one-man project. The name refers to a herb(Hyoscyamus niger in Latin) which has been used by medieval witches for many purposes, because of its remarkable properties. It is not only beautiful to look at and very poisonous, but also said to have healing, aphrodising and hallucinogenic effects - all qualities that also make up a good pop song.
from Cologne, Germany
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12 tracks