Roger M. Harris

Roger M. Harris's avatar

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Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I'm still alive folks. Retired now so got lots of time on my hands. Got 3 new songs done, 2 or 3 I'm working on. Blimey almost an LP !!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Really don't know about this one. Feels like I've nicked it from some where or is it just a load rubbish !!!! Any way I've put it out there now. If rubbish it is, I'll take on the chin...... and sulk for a week or two !!!!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a little ditty in Open A tuning. Seems apt on a glorious summers day !!!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Soft Rock ? Happy Blues ? I Don't know, just a song that popped out a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy ....I hope !!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
I suppose you could call this a Lament of sorts, I call it a bit of fun, and it was fun to record. Thanks Aimee, ( my daughter ) for the new strings for my birthday. they came in useful !!!!!

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Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I'm still alive folks. Retired now so got lots of time on my hands. Got 3 new songs done, 2 or 3 I'm working on. Blimey almost an LP !!!!
odh's avatar
Cover of the Led Zeppelin song from III. WIth this I've now covered all the songs on sie 1 and will put a Playlist together when I get around to it.
thetworegs's avatar
John has done a beauty of a backer for this lesser known Zep song of the BBC Sessions album....hope you enjoy i did doing it Thanks John for such a pro backer and mix..........
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Really don't know about this one. Feels like I've nicked it from some where or is it just a load rubbish !!!! Any way I've put it out there now. If rubbish it is, I'll take on the chin...... and sulk for a week or two !!!!!!
kirklynch's avatar
Searching for new sounds. The Goodall, Boss OC3,DL4 and stereo Jamman

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Sister Savage's avatar
With music written and performed by Soundsmith Kamachi. It was the last day of RPM and he asked me to write a lullaby for a track called Cornucopia. Very much enjoyed how easily this one flowed. That's my mum, Bee Mathis, adding class to the…
Scott Barrales's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
I got up nice and early this morning thanks to Seb i got the acoustic out and came up with this one ....Don't ask me why.... the innocence of a lie the reason behind the why the sigh of regret at that moment of death why why oh…
fuzzfilth's avatar
W.S.T.S.'s avatar
This is the 2.Song from the 1.Single.

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Roger M. Harris's avatar
First things first, many, many thanks to Greg for adding Bass and a Great Harp break. Don't tell my mate Dave, my normal Harp buddy, he's been ill with Flu.
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

I've lost this on my P.C. but found it on an old account here. Does anyone know where the Download go to ? ?

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I'm still alive folks. Retired now so got lots of time on my hands. Got 3 new songs done, 2 or 3 I'm working on. Blimey almost an LP !!!!
Guest said

I like it. Well done. :) - The Mystery Tramp

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A song in Open G, Try it Guys & Gals, a great Tuning for a Guitar........
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Merry Christmas to one and all. Must catch up with over Christmas. Roger.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Modern life, will it tip you over the edge, sadly for some it does.....
Guest said

Think I give up here. There is a New Track elsewhere, just search : Soundcloud / Roger M Harris to hear 'Who Got Burned'

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Love sure can hurt when it goes wrong.
Guest said

Will be back on here , one day, when someone in power gets their ARSE in gear and sorts out the fact that I CAN'T SIGN IN ?!**!?*!?**

Roger M. Harris's avatar

Been playing guitar now for over 50 years, nearly got the hang of it !! Wrote my first song about 5 years ago and can’t seem to stop now . Are they any good…. I’ll leave that to you.

from Portsmouth, United Kingdom

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