R. J. Garn

R. J. Garn's avatar

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R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded at Star Hall. Moab, Utah 1993
R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded in Escalante Canyon..late 1970s..enjoy
R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded this somewhere on Boulder Mountain early 1980s. During the song you can hear the thunder as a massive storm was approaching..enjoy
R. J. Garn's avatar
Written early 70s. Recorded early 80s at Rosewood Studios
R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded around a campfire in the San Rafael Swell.

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thetworegs's avatar
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
thetworegs's avatar
Divorce is a terrible thing especially with young children Look to the moon Now close your eyes and you’ll feel, me close to you look to the moon and know I’m looking to No matter where you are I’m with you Although I…
thetworegs's avatar
Just having a strum as the wind howls outside and this one came out .... The thrill of the night Everyone knows that the suns got to set And a darkness will set upon the scene The throng from the street will silence then…
thetworegs's avatar
I have been a bit busy this last few weeks one ill with the flu and the other busy preparing the fields for the new foals which came on Thursday ....and while working away i've been thinking...... well, where do you start, poor old Blighty is…
R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded at Star Hall. Moab, Utah 1993

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R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded at Star Hall. Moab, Utah 1993
thetworegs's avatar
Its raining again here so no gardening today so I'm down the cellar dreaming of warmer climes and messing with the guitar ...Thanks For listening I’m going travelling to where the sunset settles on those wine groves I’m gonna feel the wind…
thetworegs's avatar
I Woke nice and early this morning had my coffee watered the plants in the garden and got an idea for a song so I popped down the cellar and this one came out and its still only 9am I think its going to be a good day....Thanks for listening…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg he's going through the mill again so I thought I'd spend my time down in the cellar this afternoon and write him a song as it was raining most of the afternoon and the weeding was on hold ..Ive used the Harley Benton 12 String I'd…
thetworegs's avatar
My first song for 2023 a bit of a sad one poor old Reg looking back on the mistakes made in a life.He's a little unsure if he's lived it full enough....but its too late now.... Thanks for listening The Fool Some one said that dream is not…

Latest Comments

R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded in Escalante Canyon..late 1970s..enjoy
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Love it as you know

R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded in Escalante Canyon..late 1970s..enjoy
acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Ooo-cool vocals! Nice 70's feel. A natural feel as well. Great job. :-}

R. J. Garn's avatar
Written early 70s. Recorded early 80s at Rosewood Studios
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

One of my all time favs of yours

R. J. Garn's avatar
Written early 70s. Recorded early 80s at Rosewood Studios
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

An excellent song one of my favourites of yours

R. J. Garn's avatar
Recorded around a campfire in the San Rafael Swell.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Love it like everything else you’ve done … I think you know I’m a fan it’s been a while

R. J. Garn's avatar

I grew up in Utah and started writing and performing music when I was 12 years old. I learned music from my grandfather, who played the banjo and loved Hank Williams. I left home at 14 with my guitar. I traveled the United States doing what work i could get to support my music habit. Spent time in the military, drove tractor trailer, guided desert trips, all the while playing whenever I could. Tried the big music scene in San Francisco and LA but I’m not cut out for that world. I’m A desert rat, so I went back to the desert. In 1983, I moved to a remote ranch near Capitol Reef National Park in Utah. I bought a 4 track Fostex recorder. I could drag it out into the desert and run it from my truck battery. I recorded 3 albums this way, DESERT MAGIC, DESERT RAT, and LIVE FROM MOONFLOWER MESA. I have a spinal cord disease which ground me down so I couldn’t record or perform from about mid 1990’s - 2013. I finally got the pain under control and I’ve just finished a new ten album collection. It Includes the albums Desert Magic, Desert Rat, Live From Moonflower Mesa, recordings from Ed Abbeys Moab house, a double Live album recorded at Star Hall in Moab, 1994, stuff from the sixties and more. Its titled Retrospective. Release date was April 2019. For info email me at desertmagic505@gmail.com ENJOY!

from New Mexico, US

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