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What have you done to me


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Poor old Reg he’s going through the mill again so I thought I’d spend my time down in the cellar this afternoon and write him a song as it was raining most of the afternoon and the weeding was on hold ..Ive used the Harley Benton 12 String I’d forgotten all about her till I saw Jims new one I have the Black and white one so thought id wipe the dust off and give it a go I used the Fender Tele for the lead …Thanks for listening

The telephones is ringing
And I have you on hold
Ive got four queens sat in front of me
But I think gonna fold Im not sure it what I’m needing
I feel I’m in a dream
Oh babe what’re you doing to me
what is it your doing to me

The days are drifting by all of them are dark
I just can’t think while this black dog barks
The howling at night it un-nerves
my very soul of me
Oh babe what are you doing to me
what is it this hold you have on me

This Heart ache I’m feeling wasn’t known by me
But it buzzes in my head like some lunatic bee
Searching for its queen that it can not find
Oh babe what are you doing to me
Oh babe what are you doing to me

Just open the door and set me free

Please open that door and set me free
Just open that door and set me free
Just open that door and set me free

I know some how I’ve got rub out the past and begin a new
I know its gonna be hard to living with or without you
But this is something I know I gotta do
Oh babe what have you done to me
what have you done to me

Im trapped between the past and future I’m stuck in the now
The place id planned to live the dream I’ve gotta tear down
You’ve given me no choice I can’t live with these half truths
I’m just fooling myself I’m drowning under this roof

What have you done to me
Oh babe what have done to do
Just open that door
Pleas Just open that door
Just open the door and set me free

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