Lane Sullivan
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Carmen and Waldo decide to travel together. See some of the places Carmen loves and then some new place they can discover together.
So now we’re finally together
And all the world is our stage
We’ll create our own show
What are we waiting…
Waldo finds Carmen in a cafe. They reunite and are overjoyed.
I knew after all was said and done
I would find you here
You followed me following you
but I found you dear
You only had my plans
To guide you
I only had the clues left…
Waldo is using clues left behind from Carmen to find where she went next. From how she exchanged her money to the literature she picked up. He is hoping to catch up to her soon.
I’ve been all over the world
In hopes to find you
Waldo has decided to journey out to find Carmen.
The accompanying song is a lovely shanty tune based on "A Drop of Nelson's Blood" Sung by the Mayoral Choir, the CoE presents; Another RPM
Picture Waldo in his first bar getting ready to…
Waldo had only made it to the train station be realizing he couldn't leave. Not just because of fear, but also because he didn't want to leave Carmen.
Unfortunately, his timing was terrible. She had already found his note and took off after…
Recently Listened To
“Summer Rain” was written, recorded, and produced on July 23, for the July 2024 REM Challenge (via RPM Challenge).
Written in five minutes. Recorded in 10 minutes (used take #3). Added additional instrumentation and mixed in about 45 minutes…
Cover off of Letter Seventeen's 2020 RPM album. Tried to do the opposite of imitating him, imitating someone else. This was one of the most time consuming songs I have ever done. I manually gated the Kick and Toms which takes a long time(and is…
Cover of RPMer Jon Solo. First year to the challenge and made a fantastic album with catchy songs! Maybe too catchy...
Here is a cover of Matt Ferrara's song "Obey" - Had this song stuck in my head for a good chunk of February, so I figured I would put it to tape. A little slower than the original with a similar feel.
I really wanted to see if I could record…
A cover of The Missed Connections off her 2010 RPM CD.
Most Popular
Can you hide in happiness
Can you disguise the sadness in your voice
Could you play only major chords
Can you hide in happiness
Choose a part of you to show
And no one around you can know
Just how deep the scars go
Can you hide in…
Waldo learns about Carmen's travels and all the places she has been. He is envious of her stories.
I didn’t think about the world
As something to explore like you have
I know I’ve wasted time
Catching up on something so vast
Will be hard…
Waldo meets Carmen in a cafe in a small town. Waldo has never left the town he grew up in and she seems very worldly. This attracts him instantly.
What am I waiting for
I’ve opened up the door
Hey, I feel, something come over me
I’ve never…
While Carmen is supposed to be away for a couple month, Waldo decides he is going to try to gain some travel experience. He feels inadequate and like Carmen thinks less of him for it.
I can’t seem to figure out,
why I can’t measure up…
Recent Favorites
“Summer Rain” was written, recorded, and produced on July 23, for the July 2024 REM Challenge (via RPM Challenge).
Written in five minutes. Recorded in 10 minutes (used take #3). Added additional instrumentation and mixed in about 45 minutes…
RPM. Month of concessions. I had lots of ideas, and they all seemed to fall apart. Time was not in abundance. Glad this was a leap year, for me to squeeze this out in a few hours after work.
Thrown around town
Wind in your face
Picking up discards, push handcarts
In this town
Jump overboard
You're pushed overboard
There clearly is a difference: you're flotsam lost or jetsam cold
Jump overboard
You're pushed overboard…
Hey y’all let’s go tanning, under the new fake sun
Let’s spin the brand new single, if you can’t hide we run
From the safety of knowing
Look outside it is snowing
Who knew it got so cold, who knew it got so cold,
And now I caught the…
I was thinking this was going to be the longest song, but then the next song happened.
Anyways, title says it all. Don't let this be what you judge my abilities on. I can do better. Just go listen to my other albums, but maybe after you finish…
Latest Comments
Can you hide in happiness
Can you disguise the sadness in your voice
Could you play only major chords
Can you hide in happiness
Choose a part of you to show
And no one around you can know
Just how deep the scars go
Can you hide in…
Can you hide in happiness
Can you disguise the sadness in your voice
Could you play only major chords
Can you hide in happiness
Choose a part of you to show
And no one around you can know
Just how deep the scars go
Can you hide in…
Can you hide in happiness
Can you disguise the sadness in your voice
Could you play only major chords
Can you hide in happiness
Choose a part of you to show
And no one around you can know
Just how deep the scars go
Can you hide in…
Hey, this is nice to listen to. I need to pay more attention to your work. Thanks for sharing :-)
Waldo has decided to journey out to find Carmen.
The accompanying song is a lovely shanty tune based on "A Drop of Nelson's Blood" Sung by the Mayoral Choir, the CoE presents; Another RPM
Picture Waldo in his first bar getting ready to…
Usually playing Drums and keys, Lane is the softer side of the band A Beautiful Scene. Focusing more on Pianos and synth tones to try and create more delicate sound.
Stats and Stuff
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12 tracks