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09 Traveled my Ideal Thoughts
Lane Sullivan
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Waldo finds Carmen in a cafe. They reunite and are overjoyed.
I knew after all was said and done
I would find you here
You followed me following you
but I found you dear
You only had my plans
To guide you
I only had the clues left behind
to find you
For some time
I’ve been relient on you eyes
But I figured I would try
I was too scared to fly
So I came home
To find you gone
I know in this sea of people
It was so hard to find me
I hope I seem just enough
out of place
And it seemed everywhere I went
I had just missed you
but you left enough behind
for me to find you
So here we are
We can heal all these scars
Yay, they find each other! Love how this song ties the entire story together. Very sweet piano led track.