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THE TWO (or the witnesses)
You are the town and we are the clock.
We are the guardians of the gate in the rock.
The Two.
On your left and on your right
In the day and in the night,
We are watching you.
Wiser not to ask just…
i heard my darling snarling
and our little stomachs churning
he said i should be earning
some kind of verbal warning
but i found out in the morning
as the cardboard moon was waning
i heard the pitter-patter
of the footprints in the…
the woman with the flawless
home made monacle
denies the existence
of the smooth metal manacles
binding her wrists
and anchoring her ankles
to one of the seven
identical tentacles
of an enormous
barnacle encrusted
monstrously strong
nine brained…
the woman with the flawless
home made monacle
denies the existence
of the smooth metal manacles
binding her wrists
and anchoring her ankles
to one of the seven
identical tentacles
of an enormous
barnacle encrusted
monstrously strong
nine brained…
Recently Listened To
I couldn't make a single song for the longest time, but today, my creative block went away and I managed to make this awesome song that i think is pretty awesome.
Hey, I just found this buried in my documents, cool!
this one. this one is hard to explain, its like a weird latte.
More midi manipulation madness. I listened to Loveless again and its like i'm falling in love with the CD all over again! Probably sounds almost nothing like the original but one day I hope to actually learn how to play this song myself and do…
really nice song to cover, very dreamy chords. I tried my best to mimic a guitar so let me know if it sounds good enough :D
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The Second Coming (Slouching Towards Bethlehem)
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and…
angel delight
as soon as i awoke i ran downstairs to my laboratory
to see what my strange attractor had brought me
at first it had been disappointing: a few wisps of smoke
some sea-shells and butterfly wings
but this time i found something…
i can hear the digits in your digital audio
i feel the need to fidget with my mouse and my moby
i’m listless as i listen to prestigious presentations
of manipulated data and prestidigitation
i type unlisted numbers into my communicator
i'm dubious…
princess anorexia ('90s demo i think)
princess anorexia was out walking
in the magnetic fields of her mother
queen anaesthesia, whose reign had died down
until now it was no more than…
THE TWO (or the witnesses)
You are the town and we are the clock.
We are the guardians of the gate in the rock.
The Two.
On your left and on your right
In the day and in the night,
We are watching you.
Wiser not to ask just…
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angel delight
as soon as i awoke i ran downstairs to my laboratory
to see what my strange attractor had brought me
at first it had been disappointing: a few wisps of smoke
some sea-shells and butterfly wings
but this time i found something…
angel delight
as soon as i awoke i ran downstairs to my laboratory
to see what my strange attractor had brought me
at first it had been disappointing: a few wisps of smoke
some sea-shells and butterfly wings
but this time i found something…
An angel! A fucking angel! 😊🥢
i can hear the digits in your digital audio
i feel the need to fidget with my mouse and my moby
i’m listless as i listen to prestigious presentations
of manipulated data and prestidigitation
i type unlisted numbers into my communicator
i'm dubious…
THE TWO (or the witnesses)
You are the town and we are the clock.
We are the guardians of the gate in the rock.
The Two.
On your left and on your right
In the day and in the night,
We are watching you.
Wiser not to ask just…
just for the record, those crazy lyrics is by the dead excellent poet w h auden, not me (though my own lyrics are pretty crazy, even if i do say so myself)
THE TWO (or the witnesses)
You are the town and we are the clock.
We are the guardians of the gate in the rock.
The Two.
On your left and on your right
In the day and in the night,
We are watching you.
Wiser not to ask just…
sleggthesockpuppet lost his page, emailed for support, asked for help on forums. stayed broken. from the heartbroken sockpuppet’s ashes arose his evil twin, slouching towards alonetone, stealing the poor sockpuppet’s songs, contrary to alonetonetiquette:- a character disorder windmills of your mind - cover the white bird dub & flow angel delight 2 years later slegg’s pages were fixed as mysteriously as they had been broken! what now for an evil twin with no need for revenge?????
from the east midlands of england, United Kingdom
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22 tracks