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the full title of this song is: "the crux of the matter as a matter of fact is that the facts are fucked and the crux is cracked the flow got blocked when the clocks went back and the quarks are nothing but the quirks of quacks"
i heard my…
O Hairy One
O hairy one............
May the hair that sprouts from your coarse velvet skin
Grow through my pores & cover my limbs
May the strength that lies in your shoulders & thighs
Pour through my soul in its hugeness &…
i can hear the digits in your digital audio
i feel the need to fidget with my mouse and my moby
i’m listless as i listen to prestigious presentations
of manipulated data and prestidigitation
i type unlisted numbers into my communicator
i'm dubious…
language and communication
john lydon told me
the written word is a lie
so likewise
the recorded sung or spoken word say i
on the table
there sat a cat or a telephone
-what shape was the table?
-what was the name of the cat…
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isn't it funny how we lie to ourselves to preserve that version of self we like....I was having a play with the ivories and mulling this question over
The Yesterday’s in life are always beautiful
There always untarnished by the…
My mother's house was on a partially isolated plot of land adjacent to a highway, but situated down a long, muddy dirt driveway. There was one neighboring house occupied by a neighbor family I had known my whole life. They, however, were about…
Electricity was out, decided to rite a little tale of where it went off to.
my shoulderblades continue to itch
but prolonged examination in the mirror
finds not the slightest trace
of feathers beginning to sprout
at the bottom of my spine
where my tail should have been
the muscles which…
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slightly different mix for sinbad multitrackstudioforum who suggested a vocal boost and some creepy Vincent Price reverb(i may have given it too much of a boost though)
sort of vaguely electroskank arrangement with some hints of klezmer &…
the full title of this song is: "the crux of the matter as a matter of fact is that the facts are fucked and the crux is cracked the flow got blocked when the clocks went back and the quarks are nothing but the quirks of quacks"
i heard my…
i can hear the digits in your digital audio
i feel the need to fidget with my mouse and my moby
i’m listless as i listen to prestigious presentations
of manipulated data and prestidigitation
i type unlisted numbers into my communicator
i'm dubious…
a shrill shit
a shrill shit shatters the moonlit midnight air
despair distorts the dreamy darkness
twists its fluid form into a gloomy dankness
looming like malignant vapours
over stagnant pools
you are surrounded by fools
grounded by…
O Hairy One
O hairy one............
May the hair that sprouts from your coarse velvet skin
Grow through my pores & cover my limbs
May the strength that lies in your shoulders & thighs
Pour through my soul in its hugeness &…
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What can I say? I just always feel this way this time of year. Done with the Goodall fitted with a Sunrise pickup and the usual toys and loopers.
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I Shall Tear off my Terrible Cap
(poem by harold pinter, 1951)
I in my straight jacket swung in the sun,
In a hostile pause in a no man's time.
The spring his green anchor had flung.
Around me only the walking brains,
And the plack of…
I heard….you Will…. No I Won’t …you will … NO! In fact I shan’t and the music played on
O Hairy One
O hairy one............
May the hair that sprouts from your coarse velvet skin
Grow through my pores & cover my limbs
May the strength that lies in your shoulders & thighs
Pour through my soul in its hugeness &…
a character disorder
I've got a character disorder
you know they say I've got a borderline
personality disorder
and I'm sick of taking orders
like a waiter or or a nun
I want to be the one that gives the orders
I hate the nurses…
Merry Bear
Brilliant. Great lyrics, great vocal delivery, proper execution of the piano for the nature of the song -- like magic.
the full title of this song is: "the crux of the matter as a matter of fact is that the facts are fucked and the crux is cracked the flow got blocked when the clocks went back and the quarks are nothing but the quirks of quacks"
i heard my…
sweet - some excellent work... crux of quacks is about those who to tax.. to the max,. the crux is crack... that never gets the facts. nothing is cruxing the cracks in my mind.
i make noises on my own as the nu psimians (relatively electronic) & simeon psimian (relatively acoustic); with my wife as slightly ajar or the disturbed children of oz
from the english east midlands, United Kingdom
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