Fat Burrito's listening history

Letter Seventeen's avatar
A serious moment in the middle of a silly record. I took the death of my neighbor harder than I thought I would.
Letter Seventeen's avatar
A trip back to the 80's, living out our Duran Duran dreams. Tim played the roles of Simon, Nik, and Andy. Grant was Roger. Matt Parker was John. Tess and Meg were Pepsi and Shirlie. And Gary Fox played the role of Andy Hamilton.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
BogStomp's avatar
This song originated from another old demo I found on a tape dating from 1988. This one is about the evolution of a working stiff at the moment he says fuck it and realizes he's part of the corporate machine.
BogStomp's avatar
A song influenced by my work-a-day life; about the world's most abused presentation software. If you work for a company you've probably been abused by bad presentations, or maybe you have abused others. Come on, we've all done it. The first…
BogStomp's avatar
A quick and simple improvisational acoustic tune recorded on my iPhone with Garage Band. Originally meant only as an audio test of my new Apogee One interface, I thought it was catchy enough to post. I called it "Spring" only because I couldn…
BogStomp's avatar
This one was recorded back in 2011 but I never posted it. I took a listen to it recently and liked what I heard with fresh ears. It's another of my surf tunes which I enjoy making from time to time.
BogStomp's avatar
You can probably interpret this song in a few ways, but the inspiration was based on a move across the country to start a new life. I find there's an interesting tension between settling into your new home and getting use to a new environment…
BogStomp's avatar
This one was recorded back in 2011 but I never posted it. I took a listen to it recently and liked what I heard with fresh ears. It's another of my surf tunes which I enjoy making from time to time.
BogStomp's avatar
A quick and simple improvisational acoustic tune recorded on my iPhone with Garage Band. Originally meant only as an audio test of my new Apogee One interface, I thought it was catchy enough to post. I called it "Spring" only because I couldn…