Freddie Freelance's listening history
A little backwards drum bit, topped with the same drup bit run through various effects.
Actually just the sound of a nail gun copied over 400 times, run through multiple overdrive units, a ring modulator, stretched, copied & pasted, and mixed down.
Actually just the sound of a nail gun copied over 400 times, run through multiple overdrive units, a ring modulator, stretched, copied & pasted, and mixed down.
A track based on an accidental rhythm track I created while playing with a free VTS Host program, overlaid with an ambient tone and a Text to Speech-ified reading from Francis E. Dec's "GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD WORLD- WIDE SECRET CONTAINMENT POLICY…
Actually just the sound of a nail gun copied over 400 times, run through multiple overdrive units, a ring modulator, stretched, copied & pasted, and mixed down.
Long form electronic piece the album is basically named after; based on a 5 second tuning fork recording that was copied a couple dozen times, stretched, sped up, pitch shifted & time shifted and formed into a pattern that was almost a tune…
An electronically altered series of vocal snippets stitched rhythmically together.
A smooth little electronic track, maybe a little reminiscent of the Residents?