Frankenstein Sound Lab's listening history

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Commemorating the Mir Space Station's re-entry in Earth's atmosphere. Another one originating from cassette recordings.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Another oldie from the cassette era. The title is from a favorite episode of cult TV show 'The Prisoner'.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Another oldie from the cassette era, circa 2001. The title ? Cant remember...think it might have been in Esperanto, but why now escapes me...probably meant something at the time.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
A collaboration with Bidoche Musique from [I think] Belgium. Pre-digital days, so thats collaboration by sending cassettes back and forth. How we used to live in the old days, kids !
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
From the ALCHEMY & ACCIDENT album, a companion piece to the track Morning Star, and featuring more of that rabid preacher man.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Another very old track recorded on cassette recorders. Curiosity value - the vocals were by a guy named Dancin' Ken Hanks, who was - maybe still is - Minister Of Happiness in the Official Raving Monster Loony Party.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Maybe should have saved this for Halloween. Another oldie, this was really just a demo - keyboard, drum machine and voices/effects on a cassette - the whole thing recorded via the built-in mic of a second cassette player. Hi-tech or what ? Although…
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
This, folks, is the very first Frankenstein Sound Lab track, all the way from 2000 - pre-computer days, this was recorded on an ordinary cassette recorder. Listening to it prior to posting, I think it actually stands up quite well today.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Having done 5 versions of 'I Reached Out To Jesus..." on the RAWHEAD & BLOODYBONES album I rather thought the subject had been well and truely milked dry. I was proved wrong by SKITZOFARI PROJECT, who did this wonderful remix - the version…
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