241 tracks by Frankenstein Sound Lab
The dialogue comes from Ingmar Bergan's 1957 film The Seventh Seal. Set in Sweden during the Black Death, it tells of the journey of a medieval knight and a game of chess he plays with the personification of Death, who has come to take his life…
A short rhythmic thing for any belly-dancers in the house.
???? and ???, not to mention ??? ????. But you know how it is.
them damn aliens keep jamming my frequency with their incessent chatter.
And bongos.
The fate of the final Pope...beheaded, stake through the heart and buried at a crossroads.(this is fiction - no live Popes were harmed during the making of this track).
I know EXACTLY what you're thinking.... and the truth is, I dont have a clue as to why its called "Crab Telex Myth".
An enthusiastic audience is so important... that's why we import ours from a sound effects album. Satisfaction guaranteed every time.
If this was a film, at this point indistinct but decidedly menacing figures would be detaching themselves from the shadows and moving slowly but purposefully towards the prey...
Built from samples obtained from photographs via that very handy i2sm programme.
Elves & Flowers XI - sounds like some kind of strange soccer team...
Congratulations... you made it out of the Land Of Ghosts Theme Park. Just step over the bodies of those less fortunate....