Future Snakes
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I'm heavily influenced by my the merger of analog and digital technology.
I've played in many heavy, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I've always had a passion for. I'm infulenced by…
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I'm heavily influenced by my the merger of analog and digital technology.
I've played in many heavy, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I've always had a passion for. I'm infulenced by…
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I'm heavily influenced by my the merger of analog and digital technology.
I've played in many heavy, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I've always had a passion for. I'm infulenced by…
seeing the unseen
very dreamy.
I live in Orlando, FL and make electronic music with computers and occasionally analog equipment.
I’ve played in many heavy, loud, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I’ve always had a passion for. I’m infulenced by the likes of Daedelus, Hudson Mohawke, Thieves Like Us, New Order, College, Flying Lotus, Aphex Twin, CFCF and all the bands in the Lou’s scene in Orlando.
from Orlando, United States
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2 tracks