Vadim Ganzha

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Vadim Ganzha's avatar
this was created in 1991 in live in Central Asia (Alma-Aty

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Vadim Ganzha's avatar
this was created in 1991 in live in Central Asia (Alma-Aty

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Vadim Ganzha's avatar
this was created in 1991 in live in Central Asia (Alma-Aty
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

большой материал Я пробую эту программу перевода

Vadim Ganzha's avatar

Kazakh electronic Musician, Vadim Ehrlich (Ganzha) lives in Germany since 2004. In 1980 he assembled his first analogical music synthesizer ( a hard task in former USSR! ), shaping up his idea of “sound painting”. At first, as a pioneer DJ, he combined his music constructions with lights effects in his disco performances. Finally he invented his own “in live” electronic music style called “quazy musical constructions” aka “absurdism”. The main idea was - to play all his instruments in real time and no pre-recorded pattern. All his music boxes (small 2 VCO,VCF,ADSR,VCA) are rhythmically synchronised by main trigger generator whilst the performer controls all parameters manually. Since - 1984 was a sound engineer of Famous Kazaks Band Dos Mukasan Since - 1987 radio engineer of Kazakh band Aray (A-Studio) with Roxa Rimbayeva Since - 1989 is officially registered as one man based electronic band “Ganzha”.

from Almaty, Kazakhstan

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