gerclywei1995's listening history

exist's avatar
Britpop song
Robert James's avatar
Nothing special about this one. The riff is kinda cheesy, and the lyrics are a lot cheesy. It has a pre-chorus section which is unusual for me. That's about the only thing that's interesting at all. The mix might be awful, but I was 99% asleep…
gerclywei1995's avatar
Its a RnB type of popsong.. Starting with a singing way of rap and then furthering with singing.. It's not a love song but more a sort of song explaining what the person they love do to them and what they'd do for them..
gerclywei1995's avatar
Its a RnB type of popsong.. Starting with a singing way of rap and then furthering with singing.. It's not a love song but more a sort of song explaining what the person they love do to them and what they'd do for them..
gerclywei1995's avatar
Its a RnB type of popsong.. Starting with a singing way of rap and then furthering with singing.. It's not a love song but more a sort of song explaining what the person they love do to them and what they'd do for them..