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Cost At Hand

Songwriter Gary Laymon

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This is a song I wrote with a heavy heart following the Columbine shooting. At the time I felt that the timing just wasn’t right to put it out there.

I am not one to shove religion down anyone’s throat. Personally, I feel the true spiritual journey is an inward adventure and if there is anything the man upstairs feels you need to change within your own life, HE will let you know. There’s too much of me that isn’t quite right to be focused on what I think might be wrong with you!

But you really have to wonder, the further along the path towards separation of church and state we travel, removing prayer from within our schools and such, the more it seems it’s the children paying the price with their youth and their lives.

And I have to ask, How many more must slip away, How much longer, will our babies have to pay, before we finally make a stand, before we count the cost at hand?

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Mighty fine song.

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