Graduate's listening history
I've gone more acoustic for this piece with bass and guitars courtesy of Jaz Arwand and the lovely, airy sound of Jess Spencer's voice. The song is about empathy or lack thereof.
A song about the five stages of grieving, as devised by the (late) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Unfortunately knowing these stages does not help you get over them.
You've been managing expectations
Consultations end in tears
Even if you're optimistic…
At the 23rd hour we consider whether we've made the right decisions.
Written and recorded less the 48 hours before the end of the RPM challenge deadline. I wonder why.
Is this our 23rd hour
Sixty minutes to go
Are we counting the seconds…
A silly song questioning the value of using songs to get a message across. Just say 'sorry' - don't write me an opera about it.
Incidentally the note choices in this song really did hurt me.
New lies
Written like you cared for me
Self-consciously pet-soundsy guitar solo, a teen angsty lyric and an cappella ending and. Who say's I listen to too much Beach-Boys?
Why don't we walk away while we still have the chance
Why do we dance
with blood upon our hands
Standing, waiting, shivering, waiting, hoping, waiting, crying - all the while being cruelly mocked by the passage of time, and my analogue watch. It was not a very nice night.
Peter Fedofsky plays the piano on this song.
If you could…
I've gone more acoustic for this piece with bass and guitars courtesy of Jaz Arwand and the lovely, airy sound of Jess Spencer's voice. The song is about empathy or lack thereof.
The album kicks off with one of the gritter, darker songs. The amazing, gravely voice you hear is that of Linda Harrison.
A nasty little story wrapped in a very short country song.
When I took your tiny hand it struck me cold
And I though cool hands warm hands warm heart is what I've been
But I know that wasn't
When It came to one like you
So I signed that…