Sandy Gritt's listening history

lovelightshine's avatar
A Dennis song.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is a John Lee Hooker feel that we just jammed on in the studio. I don't really like Gritz that much but the name seemed to fit.
charleswalker28's avatar
This has got that southern blues thing going on.
charleswalker28's avatar
I wrote this for a friend of mine and every word is true. You should meet her.
Smooth Around The Bend's avatar
This is for the couple that sat behind me while i was eating and were referring to everyone going into the Target next door as "sheeple".
Smooth Around The Bend's avatar
A tribute to the man, inspired by a line in Bob Seger's Rock and Roll Never Forgets.
Smooth Around The Bend's avatar
This was inspired by my fight (and eventual loss) with the city building department.
pugilistas's avatar
Late night, last piece from a Himitsu session. Very laid back. All electronic. Recorded on minidisc and rescued later from a random hard drive.
pugilistas's avatar
Haitian rhythm bed with kalimba and Ney and synthflute. Rejected for its original purpose as being 'too jazzy' ;) The rhythmns and kalimba were old favorites that I had not adapted to anything. Added flute and textures for a website project…
pugilistas's avatar
Inspired by a series of springs in the Hill Country, that are said to be so full of life that you can even see the ghosts. Or if you know the right time, the hummingbirds. A recent composition using samples and FS1R.