104 tracks by MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq

MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
recent events have forced the emotional disengagment of C}{imps 8 my ears. do not sigh relief just yet.
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
this is my original impression of an 8x oversampling cd player from 1986 trying to read an mp3 cd.
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
a blend with the cave street band. sampling cave street's Ohm.
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
wow! eat shit! happy christmakwanzahanakhuah america i love jew. please, if you think I dislike people because of their ancestry or that I wish to harm anyone with my comment, please, don't worry about it. you'll probably never meet me or get…