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Lebenslinie (Life Line)

Life, if you look back at your own one, or at the stories of others, often seems to be presented as an ornate line. This line is trying to branch out, but since a person is indivisible, that lifeline is always one, but with a whimsical changeable direction. For example, if you live on an island, then walking along the coastline, you can easily imagine that bay as the smooth flow of your life at a certain stage, and the broken and rocky coast as transitional or difficult stages. Or the inhabitants of the plains imagine the same thing with forest paths. In the case of the island, by the way, you will eventually come to the same place where you started your journey. Is this the beginning of the journey, over and over again?


thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Unless of course your life is out of control and the path spirals ending the center of the island after circling for the same answer again and again and never finding it

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