Let Them Eat Bass
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evocation of asmodeus via sound using my method for sigilizing words with music
The Enn chant for Duke Dantalion, mostly for my personal ritual use but if some random occultist finds this, feel free to use it too.
remember remember
the ashes and the ember
halamshiral was genocide
and we do not forget
remember, remember
we will not surrender
the chantry's full of bigots
and we do not forget
remember, remember
the glory and the splendor
we have…
Recently Listened To
evocation of asmodeus via sound using my method for sigilizing words with music
The Enn chant for Duke Dantalion, mostly for my personal ritual use but if some random occultist finds this, feel free to use it too.
remember remember
the ashes and the ember
halamshiral was genocide
and we do not forget
remember, remember
we will not surrender
the chantry's full of bigots
and we do not forget
remember, remember
the glory and the splendor
we have…
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I got bored with the music on Super Mario Galaxy, and wrote my own tune to jam while I Wii my brain into 8bit mush.
As I stood before them
My lips poured threads of fate
Yet to be proven.
Green eyes pierced me
As the prophesies flowed,
sliding smoothly into
their holy ears.
And then the spears.
And then the fire.
Each time they…
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Somehow managed to get the whole thing done in one sitting at just one or two takes each. Have to add effects, and it'll hopefully go up on my bandcamp on Tuesday.
Latest Comments
If WW III breaks out I'm going hide out in some attic and take your music with me. 8-)
I got bored with the music on Super Mario Galaxy, and wrote my own tune to jam while I Wii my brain into 8bit mush.
Greg Connor
Unique . . . That's for sure. I have to say, you had me until the end. Pretty interesting.
Eat the rich
from The Revolution
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