91 tracks by *is

*is's avatar
Just a little break. ~Kat
*is's avatar
A new, more hopeful ending to my interpretation of The Ant and the Grasshopper by Aesop. In the oral tradition of storytelling. ~Kat A long, long time ago, there lived a family of Grasshoppers. They had descended from many families before them…
*is's avatar
Women's march, Salt Lake City, Jan 18, 2025. What will 4th wave feminism look like? How are we perceived by the world? Opening lyrics and melody from dreams. Kat: vocals, lyrics, keys It isn’t over they won’t leave us in the dust It’s never…
*is's avatar
For the rare one without a cell phone or shackled to the virtual world. I know. I know. You are not the only one. Kat: lyrics, vocals, keys And you are born to a world of plastic and bone torn between here and home So, so alone…
*is's avatar
Remastered. Kat: keys, vocals, lyrics I’ve had enough Gonna call your bluff If you’d just concede, this wouldn’t be so tough I’m not listening You’re out of line What gives you the nerve to say I don’t deserve what I know is mine…
*is's avatar
Cover by Rush. So needed right now. <3Neal Kat: keys, vocals Tom: guitar
*is's avatar
Pink Floyd cover. Tom: guitar, vocals Kat: vocals
*is's avatar
Poem for the mourning. Kat: keys, lyrics, vocals Tom: guitar News of the world opens the door at 5am Yawning black the event horizon of interesting times 'Your world's gonna change, miss, it's gonna change.' Or maybe it's just more…
*is's avatar
Please listen with headphones. For Shawn D and Ellen; for a missed chance to be close. A missed chance for a first hug and for a final hug, respectively. And for anyone deeply longing for but also so afraid of intimacy. Kat: vocals…
*is's avatar
Men at Work cover. Tom: guitar, backing vocals Kat: vocals
*is's avatar
You are neither scourge nor savior. You are a point on the continuum. What you eat, you are. You are food. And how sacred is that? Little sister to Second Nature. Vocals, keys, lyrics: Kat <3Kat This sacred body doesn’t she make you…
*is's avatar
Coming out of my torpor to regale you with, what Tom calls, a 'wall of words.' Guess I've been backed up...Had a lot of fun playing with the delay, echoes and reverbs with this one. Thanks to my dad for the new mic! Makes everything super intimate…
*is's avatar
Vocals by Tom; Keyboards and backing vocals by Kat; Song by Shearwater
*is's avatar
Trying my hand at some sunny music. The opener, Heliotrope, is dedicated to my dear friend and creative partner, Angela. Happy spring, y'all. <3 Kat
*is's avatar
Instrumental. I am in the process of adding vocals but putting this out there in case someone might like to contribute *wishful thinking* ~Kat
*is's avatar
Rerecord with new keys and interface. ~Kat
*is's avatar
To those of you who go down the rabbit hole. It's been a long winter. <3Kat How much should I sleep? What should I eat? How to be a better friend Why am I tired, uninspired? Writer's block, world's end How much noise from your neighbor…
*is's avatar
Rerecording with more flourish and a little help from Tom. From a dream a couple years ago; rock goddess on stage. My kingdom for a full band and better lungs....~Kat Kat: lyrics, vocals, keys Tom: guitar I've had enough Gonna call your…
*is's avatar
My ode to Elko, NV. For anyone who feels like an outsider. ~Kat Tom: guitar Kat: lyrics, vocals, egg, keys You're breakin' down in the center of town, in the center of town, yeah Screamin' as you're hittin' the ground well, it's a lonesome…
*is's avatar
My first attempt at writing a duet. About the perceived difference of 'home.' Is it sanctuary or prison? Solitude or isolation? ~Kat Tom: guitar, vocals Kat: vocals, door, lyrics (except for 'straggle', that was all Tom) Straggle home…