James Michael Taylor's listening history

Lisbon Stag Activities's avatar
Organizing a Portugal Hen Do requires a lot of attention to detail, managing guests, being diplomatic and staying on top of things. Anyone tasked with planning for a bride-to-be's hen do will have to make the decision to have a simple hen party…
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Danville Dan's avatar
JESSE JAMES performed by the late Danville Dan (Frank Koehl) (rhythm guitar, main vocals) and also posthumously featuring his son, Gene Eric Mann (Rick Koehl)(chorus vocals) and his grandson, Robster the Rock Lobster (Robert W.D. Koehl)(chorus…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Svetlana is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/public/Svetlana-Lazareva SVETLANA Svetlana, the prettiest girl in the world Flew in from Lithuania. Makes me go ho insania What will I do now? What did I do before? Svetlania has a…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Svetlana is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/public/Svetlana-Lazareva SVETLANA Svetlana, the prettiest girl in the world Flew in from Lithuania. Makes me go ho insania What will I do now? What did I do before? Svetlania has a…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Svetlana is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/public/Svetlana-Lazareva SVETLANA Svetlana, the prettiest girl in the world Flew in from Lithuania. Makes me go ho insania What will I do now? What did I do before? Svetlania has a…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
It aint like no ones done this before But how can you tire of beautiful chords In the fifties In Tenessee Where my love was born Two young men upped and crossed the yard both cold cos it was rainin hard. One of them turned said…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Muriel Jeanne Skinner promised that if it were possible she would come back from the dead to tell me about the afterlife. She has not returned.. Opened the window to let some air flow through A bird flew in and landed in my living room Something…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
When my 'whole morning for recording' turned into 30 minutes, I did this. Beep beep; Driving all over the fucking road. Left right left right doesn't really matter. In n out of lanes in my mitsubishi colt Left right left right doesnt really…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar