James Michael Taylor's listening history
We were shooting this movie one day when they needed a song for a dance scene. I said, "I wrote a song that might fit here." The director agreed and I ended up getting to write all the music for that movie, RED DESERT PENITENTIARY. directed by…
Michael Jeffrey showed me a progression on the guitar. I wrote words to go with it.
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
Growing up is hard.
For everyone.
I once had a Facebook Friend named Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick. A poet, from Midland, Texas, doing advanced studies at Sarah Lawrence. She was so good she could write a hundred pages about how she couldn…
Sequoia Memories...Capo @ 5
Off the coast of California
Where the dolphins ride the waves
We stood and watched them from the cliffs above
Until the sunlight went away
Then we slept in ancient shadows
Underneath the redwood trees…
This story is a poem sent to me by Lesley Sawyer from a blog on her MySpace site and I put it to music and am posting it so she can hear it and maybe see if it's alright. We don't know who wrote the poem. If anybody does please tell me. j mt
This song is just what it is and says what it says.
It's where I am and where my hopes lie. It all just happens to fit into a song...
When Peggy comes home I’ll have the dishes put away
The floor will be swept…
My motto is INWARD THRU THE FOG. One day about a month ago, Laura 'Taylor' Whitfield told me I should, "write that song." Thinking back on a fog-bound night in California, I wrote it. Norman Pilcher, a friend from Texas, and I were headed north…
PORTAL and HAPPINESS and TIME are three of the songs on my new CD, EUREKA. Short pieces.
There was a time when I figured my Chevy van would last forever
I guess that was back when I was about thirty
And there was a time when I thot…
Things add up and a song comes along to tell you what it all adds up to. Every time I try to pin down why I wrote this and to whom I wrote it it just slips out of my grasp again and smiles.
The way Shannon Elizabeth used "you" in her poems always…