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James Michael Taylor

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Not much to say about this song.

I miss my baby. I miss my baby bad
She’s the bestest baby this boy has aver had
I miss my baby. I miss my baby real deep
I miss her when I’m awake and I miss her when I’ asleep

Since my baby left me I can’t tell night from day
The sun has gone behind the moon and there it seems to stay
Since my baby left me I’m feeling so alone
It’s done eaten thru my muscle, started chewing on my bone

Since my baby left me I don’t know what to say
I sit here in my underwear. Play solitaire all day
Since my baby left me I’m feeling so alone
It’s done eaten up all my muscle. I can feel it chewing on my bone.


Since my baby left me I feel so insecure
I used to know it all but now I’m not so sure
Since my baby left me I’m on a shaky ground
I’m afraid of all this silence. Scared to death to look around.

I want my baby back
I just want my baby back

(C) 2010 Royal T Music

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