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James Michael Taylor

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Well, I ain’t no hero. I’m just trying to survive
Me and Cindy, we just staying alive
We got a hurt in our heart and a tear in our eye
But, we ain’t heroes

There’s a small-town constable, he likes to play cop
So he bought a cop radio and he turned it way up
He chased a stolen van and he signaled ’em to stop
“Ka pow!”

Well, that small-town constable got himself dead
Blew the shirt off his shoulders. The hat off his head
Shot gun blast turned everything red
“Ka pow, ka pow, ka pow!”

So, he had himself a funeral one one day
Every cop in Texas came to sing his praise
Sounded like thunder when they roared away

They called him ’Little Rooster” under their breath
Just another unnecessary death
Coulda said it out loud, but, instead, they called him a hero

So, let’s take a closer listen to this talk
To save your own skin is not a hero’s walk

If the shoe don’t fit you don’t call it a sock
If you gotta an alligator you don’t call it a croc
If you blacken up your skillet you don’t call it a wok
If you catch a school of fish you don’t call it a flock
If you eat up all the gumbo you just gotta restock
If your boat don’t float you don’t call it Iraq
You call it a pirogue

Well, it don’t take a hero to say. “No,” to the draft
And it don’t take a genius to see thru their crap
And you don’t take my freedom and give it to Iraq

So, if I come into your country and you shoot my ass
And my buddies drag my body back over the pass
Just wrap my body in the flag and send my family some cash
And call me a hero

“Please sign this receipt for an American flag
This certificate declaring your son a hero and $150,000.”
“You gotta be kidding.” “Thank you so much.”

No, I ain’t no hero. I’m just trying to survive.
Me and Cindy, we just staying alive
We got a hurt in our heart and a tear in our eye
But we ain’t heroes…

(c) 2006 Royal T Music

Her name was Cindy. Her son, Casey, was killed in Iraq.
She got famous protesting. Did a march out by W’s ranch.
I did video of the whole thing. Camped out out by the road. All the
TV stations set up tents. Wolf Blitzer did interviews. Some famous reporter, Peter Jennings, died.
Whoosh! They were gone.

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