If I WAS A LUTHERAN 091918 -
James Michael Taylor
IF I WAS A LUTHERAN - capo @ 2 in C
If I was a Lutheran I might have married Dodie Harris
Learned hill-side irrigation and I’d have learned to weld
And all the city fathers would have slapped me on the shoulder
And all the city mothers wished me well
But I am not a Lutheran. I didn’t marry Dodie Harris
But I worked for her father spraying weeds with diesel fuel
And all that summer, there among the orange trees
With Jodie on my mind, in the house down the hill
And when you’re only thirteen in a little place like Woodlake
And everybody knows you’re the prettiest girl in town
How can it not affect you. Your parents must protect you.
When boys like Donny Brewer come around
Sometimes it makes me angry when I think of Dodie Harris
I know that sounds crazy. It was so long ago
But I’ve seen pictures of her with Donny
And it makes me wonder, “Where did Dodie Harris go.”
If I’d been a Lutheran I might have married Dodie Harris