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James Michael Taylor

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Maybe I could fill the tank
Head on down. What do you think?
I could be there in about three hours…

You could talk and I could listen
Walk you outta Depression Prison
Turn that thunder storm into an April Shower

We could trip across the pasture
Down to the lake like we did last year
Still hear your mama cursing at the chickens

All your sleep and all your crying
All your drinking, there’s no denying
We’re living’ in a world that’s dying’

I don’t claim to have no answers
but sometimes when I watch the dancers
Makes me glad I’m playing their song

Jitter bug is the way to spin it
Cotton Eyed Joe for about three minutes
and Waltz Across Texas its never too long

You could talk and I could listen
Walk you outta Depression Prison
one laugh, one smile at a time

All your sleep and all your crying
All your drinking, there’s no denying
We’re living’ in a world that’s dying’

(C) 2016 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I love this, thank you. 💜 I really appreciate you so much! I’m just getting back to reading everyone’s comments and replying to sweet messages, Happy New Year my sweet and talented friend! I hope it’s one of your best! VIOLET LEA

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