JR James's listening history

glu's avatar
titi monkeys, spider monkeys, tamarins, an ocelot, a frog, and a bird thrown together to make this musical menagerie of jungle life.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
JR James's avatar
This was a collab between my old friend Joe and I from a couple years ago. I recorded the basic track and sent it to him so he could play the main melody/ guitar solo over it. I took the ending of the guitar solo section and reversed it to give…
JR James's avatar
This was a collab between my old friend Joe and I from a couple years ago. I recorded the basic track and sent it to him so he could play the main melody/ guitar solo over it. I took the ending of the guitar solo section and reversed it to give…
JR James's avatar
This was a collab between my old friend Joe and I from a couple years ago. I recorded the basic track and sent it to him so he could play the main melody/ guitar solo over it. I took the ending of the guitar solo section and reversed it to give…
Breaking Light's avatar
welcome to 2020 yawl
erocnet's avatar
Source: Guitar
JR James's avatar
Haven’t uploaded any material in ages! I have been building custom guitars which has been taking up some of my spare time. This track features my first guitar build which I am playing over a backing track.
JR James's avatar
I recorded this acoustic piece a year ago. A very sweet lil melody.
JR James's avatar
Some solo guitar playing I did ovwr a backing track about a year ago for fun.