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While I was writing ‘Afterall’ I was also putting this song together. This is about a ghost who is haunted by his own past and what mistakes he had made in his former life.
Recorded using Reaper DAW & Jamstix virtual drummer software.

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

Another good one. The strings are really nice and fit the mood of the piece so well.

Guest said

I Like These Type Of Songs.Great Job

Guest said

Oh no! Now I'm a sniffing wreck! What a gorgeous song! Well sung! Bethan

launched's avatar
launched said

We need more of these songs in this world, great stuff!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woo, listening to them again, and this one's a grower. It was late when I was first listening, and this one is stuck between two special ones, and it didn't force it's attention so much. But it's a cutie on it's own.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yep, another goodie.

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