jay's listening history

mmi's avatar
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the RPM Challenge. So the screwing around I do today should be either tossed or posted to avoid the temptation of using it in my RPM album...
mmi's avatar
Composed on a flight home to my baby. The first three minutes sets the stage for a big release...
mmi's avatar
Sitting in the Denver airport; watching people walk on by...
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.
jennifer's avatar
I am singing/vocalizing audio to accompany short scenes in a film made by an artist friend of mine. She calls it "Pattern Pattern". This segment goes with a snowy scene where shadows move in and out like wolves.
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.
jay's avatar
This was ment to be for the ending of a short film, that never materialised. It's just basically made out of samples. There's allso another version with a fading guitar part at the end.