Jeff's Demos 7's listening history

Frank's avatar
New song recorded in home studio,better mics on this one.
Frank's avatar
I have heard this song played buy several blues musicians, but I like to play it Lighting Hopkins style.Love that little solo in the middle.
Frank's avatar
The drums on this track were played on a garage sale set of kiddie drums I bought for my son,they sound surprisingly good considering I recorded them with one SM57 mic.This was one of my first attempts at playing real drums on a track,about 5…
Frank's avatar
Old Jimmy Reed Song...The snare snaps off at the end of this one
Frank's avatar
I have replayed every track on this one several times, still not satisfied, but I thought I would float it out on alonetone for the hell of it.I heard my 8yr. old humming this song the other day, thats when you know you've been hammering away…
Frank's avatar
Older one done on a Korg 8track
Frank's avatar
Fuzz bass didn't sound too bad on this, original is mostly synth, but I really like the song.
Frank's avatar
The part you solo over came out a measure short, had to improvise....
thelastbroadcaster's avatar
she moves like a cat, the feline is ready to strike
thelastbroadcaster's avatar