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this song was constructed with 10 elephant samples
and nothing else

Guest said

hii I heard your music on a video a friend made.. gooood stuff

Guest said

This song pretty much rocks

glu's avatar
glu said

@ noëlle-- thanks! Glad you are enjoying the tunage! If you are interested in more music made with animal samples, check out the bioelectrophilia playlist, made mostly from samples I recorded in the Peruvian Amazon last year. Thanks for listening!

Guest said

I just wanted to let you know that this song got me hooked on your musique. I love it all! Excellent excellent tunes! :D peace! -noëlle-

The Red Cow Society's avatar
The Red Cow Society said

Hahaha, EPIC. I love this so much.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

What the good Sister said!

brando's avatar
brando said

Just want to plug your favorites page. Such a great selection. I'm glad this one is there too.

Guest said

I love this track Glu.. specially the stereo thing.. Cesar

Oh My Goodness's avatar
Oh My Goodness said

frikken-A. Good boy!

Guest said

Yeah Booooyyyyyyyyy!! Gettin' my trunk on!

Benjamin Wuamett's avatar
Benjamin Wuamett said

ahaha. how cool is this.

-t.'s avatar
-t. said

cheers glu for your comment. its taken me a while to get back to you. sorry. Glad you like it. and this track of yours rocks. i often download your stuff. the Bush stuff is cool man.

Guest said

Absolutely love this one. Whole new feel to your music is accomplished with the new sounds. Beats are trademark, but melody is great with elephant instead of a synth. The best trumpet nature can provide. -E

glu's avatar
glu said

100% elephant sounds...
