jennifer's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
I hesitate to upload this, but there are a couple folks around who like this sort of thing. This is an edited down version of a jam I had with myself back at the end of 2007. Live to 2 tracks with the aid of the Jamman. I think it was the first…
kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
kirklynch's avatar
A short unfinished jazzy kinda thing from the end of 2006
dougsparling's avatar
Recorded August 26, 2009 Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADFGC - capo II), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity, Sound Forge. Written in 1982 after a trip to Wyoming with a couple of Alex DeGrassi cassettes....
kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Peter G. Brown's avatar
dougsparling's avatar
From 2006 or 2007. One of the first (and one of just a few) pieces I wrote using Reason. I was definitely listening to Patrick O'Hearne at the time...might have to buy some real piano samples.
dougsparling's avatar
Written and recorded in 2006 (I think). Another I hesitated to upload since it's so sloppy, but I am filing it under For the Sake of Posterity...Don't remember much, but I think I was using an Ibanez Artist semi-hollow body guitar, PodXT, '70s…
dougsparling's avatar
A couple of Irish jigs I wrote and recorded on piano (using either Reason or Cubase and EWQLSO, I really don't remember) a few years ago. The arrangement is incomplete and one I meant to add a little icing to. I may have to dig up the Reason file…