jeremy's listening history

Orange Adder's avatar
Answering the question of whether or not overdone reverb has been uncool for so long that it is now cool again. The answer: no, still uncool.
Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
jeremy's avatar
this is the first thing I've ever recorded on guitar. (or mountain dulcimer).
Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
jeremy's avatar
this is the first thing I've ever recorded on guitar. (or mountain dulcimer).
Colin Garvey's avatar
haz's avatar
haz's avatar