4 tracks by jiguma

jiguma's avatar
Recently returned from 3 months in non-English speaking countries - decided I loved being "Lost In Translation" more than the sights and such. Drums by Mike Watkins - everything else by me. :)
jiguma's avatar
I've been giving my Telecaster a fair workout lately, trying to get my head around some more complicated things than playing chords (which was quite complicated enough for a while there!). I want to learn how to play better, and a style I like…
jiguma's avatar
This is a song I wrote with Lisa Purdy (who sings the harmony vocal) about the experience of depression. Jim Bouchard plays lap steel - I'm playing/singing the rest.
jiguma's avatar
This is a song from a year or so again - from my CD "jiguma dreaming". It features Alf Solti on keys, Thor Oliversen on lead guitar, Anne Cozean and Jan Porter on backing vox, and me on Fender precision bass, Telecaster, Seagull acoustic, vocals…