jimbouchard's listening history

jimbouchard's avatar
This ambient track features backwards vocals by Lisa Purdy
jimbouchard's avatar
This is a cover uploaded with permission of the writer, Michael Marquesen. He lives in L.A.
Scott Carmichael's avatar
for any one who has a friend or loved one that makes you hope for the best, and fear the worst... this song is for a friend that I have had a long dialog with(years)... he's very self destructive... you don’t care about winning the argument, you…
glu's avatar
jimbouchard's avatar
sort of a work in progress inspired by the music of Juana Molina. Looking for a vocalist to add something. I've got some ideas but not the correct sort of voice.
jimbouchard's avatar
This contains a sample of a Studs Terkel story. My tribute to the great American voice.
tweety13's avatar
This is me singing "good morning bultimore" from the song Hairspray!
wester's avatar
Technical frustration and the end result.
douglasboyce's avatar
102nd & Amsterdam is dedicated to by father, Raymond Boyce; this was the first of many New York addresses for him. My fathers stories of growing up in New York in the 40's and 50's cemented in my mind the idea of New York as The City, an idea…
douglasboyce's avatar
Palimpsest: A Composition of Maps (an isentropic semaphore on the Name of Asmira Woodward-Page) is part of an ongoing series of soggetto cavato pieces the I have written, in this case on the name and at the commission of violinist Asmira Woodward…