jip's listening history

Newbold's avatar
Saltyjohn's avatar
Based broadly on the fate of the town of Oatman, Arizona. Oatman was located on busy U.S. Route 66 and catered to travelers driving between Kingman, Arizona, and Needles, California. The town was completely bypassed in 1953 when a new route was…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics, music composed and arranged by Elisabeth Roberts. The lyrics won the UK Songwriting Contest 2020, lyrics category. It’s Later Than You Think 2020© John Schofield Verse 1 On a restroom wall in Baltimore Above a broken…
montgomeru's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Been working a lot since getting back to work a few weeks back, haven't had much time to focus on music or anything mind-relaxing. This is something i had cooking in the back log burner for a while...
igor's avatar
Someday there will come a time when there will be no Monday. And there will be no need to remember about work or to follow the schedules. For some, it is temporary, for someone forever. For Anton 06.06.2021 Robert Frost - On Looking Up…
kavin.'s avatar
jip's avatar
A gentle song about finding peace.
jip's avatar
A rather rude song. Learned this in college.
jip's avatar
Yes folks, another daft song. Don't take it too seriously eh? Just a Lancashire lad having an expressional moan! lol. "One day my princess will come!", and all that gubbins.